Saturday, June 25, 2011

Not finished yet

 So, recently I have been privileged with a Bible study group that is, well people in my age group, that I am not mentoring, that I am not trying to avoid, that I am not leading, that I am in no way helping with and (I love my teenagers more than they will know) but NO TEENAGERS.  Do you know how long it has been since I have had the joint concoction of all the above?  10 years!!!

 Not healthy.  May I say, if you are in leadership or are in a place of helping people, you need to find a place where your soul is ministered to, otherwise.  You become Becky.  And no one wants to be that.  Not even Becky.

So here are my thoughts recently on well me.

I'm not finished.
I have not been completed.
I thought for a while that I was done. This it.  Now I am just going to coast now, I have done it all and I am done and now I just sit around and let the dust settle. No more adventures, no more thrilling life, no more just going for it. Its done and now I just hang on the wall like a pretty landscape painting.  Not particularly eye catching, not too unpleasant. Just good enough to be called art but not enough to be hung over the fireplace.
That is where I was.
But I'm not finished.
The artist has started, the drawing is in place, the lines are laid out, the colors are coming to place, you can see the beginnings of a grand work.  The artist has laid the painting aside, collecting thoughts and working out the flow, processing the completion.  But now is ready to continue and finish this one and make it worthy of  the fireplace.

So my dear friends.  Do you feel like a paint by number landscape hiding in the closet, covered in dust and forgotten?  Don't!
Remember your master painter has a plan and don't fade away.
You are over the fireplace material.  Its just a process.  Allow it and allow yourself to be the canvas.

How's that for cheese ball?

Yeah, but (take a deep breath as I can do that now)  I like the looks of  that spot over the mantle.


  1. I am so happy to see that you are truly living again the way you were meant to. :) I love you and for a while we weren't as close as before, but I miss you and your silly side. I love reading your blogs for you always have a unique way of saying things and a different perspective, kinda like Paul. I know that Saskatchewan is where you need to be in order to continue your journey, and I am so happy I can follow you on it even from afar through you blog. SO keep writing! Love, Chantal

  2. I love you Becky :) though I think maybe this new - old old Tammara and the new - old Becky might have have some SWEET times :( miss you and happy you are doing well :)
