Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mr fixit

Over the last two years I went on a rampage of my life fixing things. 
Still working out some kinks. 
I know I have issues with balance. Balancing work family church friends relationships fun and me time. For once. I  feel like I'm at a place where I can do that.  Every one of those areas got my time this week. I even got house work done. I worked a regular work week.  Saw family. Had friend time.  Church stuff has its time slot. Had an amazing date night.  Even had some alone time.  I had to make choices to do this. Ones I don't like to make because I'm sure someone probably felt let down. I said no to things. I said yes to other things.  But at the end of the week....I feel better.  I am living my life.  It is not controlling me. 

The past few years were hard.  Very very hard.  But worth it.  Because the life I have now......worth living. 

 Balance achieved! (This week) ha